To help you get the best bang for your fashion buck, we’ve compiled a list comparing the cost of a few iconic designer bags in various countries. We also included a quick, general guide on where in the world certain brands are typically cheapest.
As a disclaimer, remember that prices are constantly changing, so you should always consult the KNGRO app or do your own research before making a purchase!
Here’s how much luxury designer bag prices are around the world:
USA: ,900 USD
UAE: , 899 USD
France: ,868 USD
UK: ,136 USD
Japan: ,389 USD
Saint Laurent Sac de Jour- Small
USA: ,890 USD
UAE: ,239 USD
Australia: ,456 USD
UK: ,521 USD
France: ,642 USD
China: ,024 USD
Canada: ,265 USD
Japan: ,346 USD
Chanel Classic Flap Bag in Medium
USA: ,900 USD
UAE: ,809 USD
China: ,473 USD
UK: ,508 USD
France: ,788 USD
Canada: ,907 USD
Australia: ,494 USD
Japan: ,527 USD
We just threw a lot of numbers at you, so you might be wondering: What exactly should I take away from this?
We’ll break it down for you.
As a general rule, items are usually cheaper in the country where the brand originates, and become more expensive the farther removed you are from that country. As a result, a lot of great deals can be found in Europe—the home of fashion capitals like Paris, London, and Milan.
On the other end side of the —er—coin , luxury fashion items are usually priciest in Asian countries (such as Japan and China). The difference is so dramatic that many fashion-savvy consumers fly to Europe just to score better deals! Luckily, now with the KNGRO app, consumers can get their favorite items for less without having to hop on a plane. If you’re looking to snag a designer bag from abroad, list your item here and find a traveler to deliver it to you!
For your convenience, check out this cheat sheet on where in the world specific brands generally cost the least:
Happy Shopping! And don’t forget, if you’re looking for a taste of a designer (say, a perfume or lipstick), KNGRO can deliver your favorite duty-free items to you. Get your own items at duty free prices here.